miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2021

Exam Preparation: Study Tips


The most challenge for each student around of the scholar's life is the exams specially of final exam because it is necessary remember all topics learned around of scholar year. For that reason, it is fundamental establish a routine for preparing for exams.


💥Organize your study space

It is important to organize of study space with respect light and comfortable space also you need a space without distractions to concentrate. Another alternative is slow music. For example: classical music.


💥Practice on old exams

This tip is useful for final exam because some professors do to recompilation of all exam did a round of the scholar year with that strategy you have an idea of format of questions and memorize some questions.


💥Organize study groups with friends

Get a study group is a good idea because they can create an aleatory question and try to memorize and analyze.


💥Use flow charts and diagrams

The use of chart and diagrams help a resume of all information about topics because you have resume ideas and easier memorize each topic.

💢 Do you know other tips for exam preparation? 

💢 Write two tips about exam preparation

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