miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2021

Activities for decrease the stress


Actually, people fail to pressure with different situations. For instance, work, studies, troubles and other situations of each person. For that reason, the best advice is do some activities to decrease the stress.

Do an exercise: the exercise is important to decrease the stress because with the physical activity the body, tends to relax and increase energy for other activities. The best advice is doing exercise minimum one hour per day.

Give yourself a massage: The stress produce that the body is tense in the muscles for that reason it is an excellent option a massage in the part of neck, shoulders, the hinge of your jaw, and pressure points in the palm of your hand.

Doodle: It is not necessarily having ability with drawing and painting these activities are useful to decrease the stress. For example: you can paint a coloring book.  

👍 Do you know other activities for decrease the stress?

👍 Which are your favorities activities for relaxing? 

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