The education online it’s a challenge because the professor must to create or apply strategies to catch their attention and motivate each student.
Give timely and sensitive feedback
The feedback is useful in the class because the professor
can perceive if the students understood of topics and identify of mistakes and
try to correct of mistakes or repeat again of class.
The professor could be using different options.
For instance:
Ø 💢 Share videos about the topics of class
Ø 💢Create videoconferences Zoom for identifying
doubts of the students
Ø 💢Create activities based on the topic of class.
For instance Bookwidgets
Ø 💢Share verbal feedback with use of Vocaroo.
Provide easy access to resources
The professor could provide access to resources based in the subject with apps, online books, videos or drive about presentations or documents.
The tutor’s enthusiasm
It’s a good strategy the enthusiasm of each professor because the students develop trust and motivation for the class also the tutor demostrates that the class can be different and more entertaining.
For instance:
Ø 💢The professor or tutor could for example use memes in your lessons or provide different options for students with different interests.
💥Do you know others strategies for online education?
From my point of view in online classes, motivation and attention are the fundamental characteristics in which a teacher must work and your advice seemed very useful, especially the use of memes. On the other hand, when I was in highschool I had a teacher, who always motivated us with his cheerful attitude, and he used to put reflective videos every day at the beginning of the lesson, which really motivated us to pay attention and follow his class with a positive way.